• Why are you here?
  • Do you fear death?
  • Are you fulfilled?

Based on these three questions mentioned in the book, following statements are my key take-aways.

  1. Once a person knows why they are here, why they exist, what reason there is for being alive, they will have the desire to live up to the meaning and purpose of his existence. It is about realizing personal destiny. It’s very easy to do what someone tells you to do. The hardest task is to look inward and ask yourself “What fulfills me?”

  2. Do whatever you want and whatever corresponds to your destiny. Actions that meet the definition of your destiny. Are your actions leading to the greater purpose of your life?

  3. The least fulfilled people also do a lot of things. They do a lot of things that have nothing to do with their purpose of existence which is a waste of time.

  4. If you are not focused on what you would like to do, you can waste your energy on a lot of other things. Then, when the opportunity to do what you want presents itself, you may not have the strength or the time.

  5. I stopped rewarding myself with things as compensation for hard work and instead rewarded myself by doing what I wanted to do. Don’t do it for results but for the process.

  6. When you see someone passionately doing their thing, you automatically get sucked into their enthusiasm. They seem to be on the right track, that you just want to support them.

In the book, there was this situation where he talks about being somewhere far away in tropic nature, and I would like to quote that:

At that moment, I feel very small. My problems, the things that stressed me out, my worries about the future all seemed completely unimportant. No matter what I did or didn’t do in my life, whether my decisions were right or wrong, the world would still exist long after I was no longer alive. I sat there facing this incredible beauty and experience of nature and my realization that my life was a tiny little element of something much bigger, and in that moment I suddenly had the thought - Why am I here? If all the things I thought were so important really aren’t, then what is important?

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